Talented people are talented in everything

Mathematics is an interesting science. But even more interesting is when it can be diversified or applied in other areas. The specialty “Applied Mathematics”, not based on “dry” calculations and problems, is a variety of subjects that change the vision of the real situation in society.

One of these subjects is the course “Fundamentals of Banking”. You ask, what is it interesting? The answer is very simple.

We are all adults and often hear that in the country the crisis and banks go bankrupt. And here are the reasons for this? What does the NBU’s main bank do? How long have banks been and what is more relevant in the 21st century: cards or paper banknotes? On March 4, students of the PM-41 group together with Goy Natalia Vasilyevna sought answers to these and not only questions. They were divided into subgroups where each subgroup had its own object of study. All results were presented in the form of multimedia presentations and reports.

The reports contained statistics, various analytical studies and historical facts. With the help of this lesson students were able to determine: how the domestic and foreign experience of banks differ from each other; to compare the tendencies of development of commercial banks during the years of independence of Ukraine; determine the NBU’s role in the country’s financial situation and the relevance of the securities.

I would like to remind you that this is not the first study in the economic sphere of students. Thus, it can be shown that this specialty develops different orientations in applied mathematicians and expands the spectrum of knowledge.